Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Rolling Pasta Dough by hand

I've put up a few recipes that involve hand rolled pasta, so here's some recipes and technique on how to get a good hand made pasta dough. This recipe makes user of a Kitchen Aid stand mixer and pasta roller attachment. (hand cranking this will work but is extremely difficult without a 3rd hand) 

2 cups of all purpose white flour
1 whole egg
2 egg whites
1/4 Cup water
1 cup of fresh baby spinach (optional) 

In a stand mixer (with dough hook) mix all ingredients together.  Use a flexible spatula to incorporate extra flour.  Dough should stick to the hook when it has mixed well and not be sticky to the touch (if it is, add additional bench flour until it becomes less tacky). 

If you are making a spinach pasta, chop spinach finely and mix in with dough ball. Cut into smaller balls, wrap dough in plastic wrap tightly and place in refrigerator for about 30 minutes to an hour.  

Remove from refrigerator and hand flatten.  Set mixer on speed 2 and keep pasta sheet roller on setting 1 (thickest).  Pass dough through the rollers adding flour as needed. Once dough has passed through, fold the end that came out first over and place back through the rollers FOLD first.  **(It is important to place it back in fold first so that the gluten in the dough gets stretched in the same direction). Keep doing this until the dough expands to the width of the roller. After it has expanded to that width, run through without folding over 2 or 3 more times before changing the roller setting. 

Change the roller from 1 to 2 and pass through 3 or 4 times until dough is smooth (adding flour as needed so that it does not stick to the rollers).  Repeat process changing roller from 2 to 3 and 3 to 4. 

Fettuccine:  Roll to #4 thickness before using fettuccine cutter roller
Spaghetti:  Roll to #3 thickness before using spaghetti cutter roller
Lasagna Noodles or Ravioli Noodles: Roll to #5 thickness

After rolling, hang over a pasta drying rack (a simple wooden dowel based one will do) until dough begins to dry out. 

***** There is no salt in this recipe ******
When cooking this pasta, be sure to adequately salt the water using kosher or sea salt until it has the taste of the ocean. 

Nutrition Info: 
The total of all ingredients yields a fair amount of pasta at the equivalent of 24 Weight Watchers points plus points. To figure out an individual serving, divide 24 by the total number of yielded servings. (Adjusting the number of servings will reduce the point value per serving). 

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